The unmet needs of the male asylum seekers in the direct provision accommodation centre had come to the attention of some of the agencies in Tralee, particularly the volunteer bureau, the women’s resource centre, local doctors, the HSE and the Gardaí. Concerns were raised about some individual’s mental health and their isolation. A study was conducted by Partnership Tra Li in 2008 which looked at the needs of migrants and their families in Tralee. The research highlighted the main issues were isolation and lack of information. Access to education and training was also highlighted, as well as the need to provide social, cultural and leisure opportunities (Ref – ‘The needs of Migrants and their families in Tralee’ by Nicola Yau and Aoife Titley 2008).
In order to meet these needs, the Tralee International Resource Centre (TIRC) was established in Dec 2009, with the aim to organise activities and events to bring the asylum seekers and others together in a social space.
Funding was received from the Dormant Accounts and also from North East Kerry Development (NEKD) and the HSE.
A premises was provided rent free by Tralee Town Council, which is located in St Patricks Bungalows part of the Mitchel/Boherbee Community Regeneration Project funded by Dept of Environment, Heritage and Local Government.
This project is supported by HSE – South, TUSLA, North, West and East Kerry Development, Kerry County Council and the Department of Social Protection. From 2011 to 2015 it was co-financed by the European Commission under the European Refugee Fund, supported by the Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration in the Dept of Justice and Equality. This ERF project was carried out in conjunction with the Killarney Asylum Seeker and Immigrant Support Centre – KASI
President Higgins at the celebration of Africa Day in May 2012

A Dhaoine Uaisle,
It gives me great pleasure to be with you today to officially open ‘The Many Faces of Africa’ event which has been organised by Tralee International Resource Centre as part of the Africa Day festivities. I’m told that this is not the first time you have organised an event to mark Africa Day and I commend you for all your hard work in making this special day possible.
Africa Day celebrates African diversity and success and highlights the cultural and economic potential that exists on the African continent. It also serves to raise awareness and understanding of development issues in Africa.
TIRC’s work has seen the organisation gain the attention of President Higgins, who visited the Centre for its Africa Day celebrations in May, 2012. See link below for more info